The specialised gender equality policies developed by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality shall become more effective when the goal of equality is integrated simultaneously in all public policies that constitute the entirety of governmental work. The European strategy for gender mainstreaming denotes ways in which all public policies can include equality in their development and implementation.

Drawing on the 3rd CSF (2000-2006), a gender mainstreaming strategy has begun to be implemented in Greece as of 2000. However, it has not achieved the desirable effects. During the 4th Programming Period of the European Structural Funds (2007-2013), the “indication of the financial, social and development character of gender equality issues” is noted as one of the NSRF general goals. And, gender mainstreaming is referred to as an improvement factor for the quality of public policies. GSGE is responsible for the development, coordination and monitoring of gender equality policies in the NSRF. A tool in this connection is the gender mainstreaming Guide in NSRF Operational Programmes, which will facilitate the development of projects that promote gender equality (PROJECT 20).

As far as all national public policies are concerned, GSGE has ensured the required cooperation of the competent General Secretaries, who shall promote the strategic goal of gender mainstreaming in central and regional policies of the country, so as to decrease the gender gap in the target-group that the respective policies address. Therefore, GSGE has developed and shall support the preparation and pilot implementation of Action Plans on gender mainstreaming in Ministerial and Regional policies (PROJECT 2).

Civil servants and public administration officials are key players in the viability and effectiveness of Action Plans and the enrichment of public life with gender equality principles. Therefore, GSGE has developed training and awareness-raising projects in cooperation with the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (NCPALG) and the National School for Diplomats (PROJECT 7). The Projects are tailored to:

  • Public administration officials who receive mistreated victims (police officers, hospital personnel of outpatients clinics, etc) in order to deal more efficiently and more sensitively with women victims of violence,
  • Correctional officers in women’s detention facilities,
  • Employees in municipal and regional immigration services, to deal more appropriately with women immigrants and family reunification issues,
  • Employees in new offices established under the national administration reformation in municipalities, to deal with social policy and gender equality,
  • Social Inspectors, men and women of the Corps of Labour Inspectors (CLI) to promote the principle of equal treatment between men and women in the field of employment, and reinforce monitoring in relation to the implementation of the respective employment legislation,
  • Diplomats, on issues related to the role of International Organisations in the field of gender equality, as well as related EU policy.

The aforementioned actions undertaken by GSGE for the implementation of gender mainstreaming are supplemented by a set of measures that political leaders of separate political arenas have already undertaken to implement. Such measures shall be the model for Action Plans to be undertaken by the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights; the Ministry of Interior, Decentralisation and e-Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping; the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change; the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs; the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the Ministry of Citizen Protection, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Indicatively, the measures to be undertaken by each Ministry are as follows:


1.            Ministry of Interior, Decentralisation and e-Government

Within the framework of reformation and modernisation of Public Administration, the Ministry shall introduce the goal of gender equality not only into the Strategic Planning of all Ministries (competent Directorate), but also into the personnel policy (Directorate of Administration) through the new standard Bylaws that are being drafted. The respective provision shall continue to be implemented vis-a-vis the quota related to: a) the composition of Service Councils and b) the administration of Organisations supervised by the State. In addition, the respective provision shall be improved through its monitoring by the Public Organisations Registry, which shall register the gender of BoD members. At the same time, the Public Documents Code is due to change, in terms of its wording, to reflect both genders. Finally, a wider range of information shall be provided by the Citizen Service Centres (CSC) on issues related to programmes for women and gender equality.

After the reformation of local and regional government (“Kallikratis” Programme) all competencies in the fields of care, social services and welfare have become the sole responsibility of the New Municipalities (1st Level of Local Government). This framework empowers the operation of public entities active in support of vulnerable groups. Therefore, it has a positive effect on the quality of services provided to citizens, especially to women, who mostly receive such services. In the Regions (2nd Level of Local Government), new Regional Committees on Gender Equality (PEPIS) have been created, aiming at gender mainstreaming in the development programming of each Region and the implementation of specialised programmes focused on to women. A GSGE representative shall participate in each Regional Committee on Gender Equality, with the former supporting the latter’s operation via NSRF funding. In parallel, gender equality policies are an explicit responsibility of the new Municipalities via the creation of service units working on Social Policy and Gender Equality Policy.

The new supervision mechanisms created to monitor legality and safeguard citizens’ - men and women’s - rights, are active, among other things, in the implementation and monitoring of legislative regulations in relation to gender equality. As far as municipal and regional elections are concerned, the quota of one third (1/3) for each gender per voting paper remains. Election legislation also now includes a monitoring system for nominations and outcomes per gender.

In the sector of immigration policy, the General Secretariat of Population and Social Cohesion commenced gender mainstreaming in the recently proclaimed Law 3838/2010 entitled: “Contemporary provisions on Greek citizenship, civil participation for expatriates and legal immigrants, other regulations». This law stipulates that children of single-parent families may acquire Greek citizenship (article 1A, par. 4). In this case, the application for the child’s citizenship may be submitted by any surviving parent or by the person who is responsible for the child’s parental custody. This is a provision that is favourable for women, given that the majority of single-parent families are headed by women. The Ministry, in cooperation with GSGE, shall deal, at institutional level, with women immigrants who are employed as domestic workers, the majority of who work informally and are in danger of being expelled. Finally, apart from the upcoming cooperation in legislative initiatives, as mentioned above, the Ministry shall cooperate with GSGE to design programmes funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals for gender mainstreaming (e.g., e proclamation of a study on women’s immigration).

More broadly, via the entire range of its actions to “strengthen and adapt staff skills and know-how in public administration for structural and institutional changes”, the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (NCPALG) works in a gender mainstreamed fashion. More specifically, it shall include modules on gender equality in the Educational Programme for public administration officers (NCPALG), and shall develop special Training Programmes (Training Institute) on public gender equality policies for personnel promoted to heads of General Directorates, Directorates and Departments.


2.            Ministry of Finance

The recent tax law (law 3842/2010) advanced women’s economic independence. As of 2011, separate tax reports and reimbursements will be required. These will demonstrate the income of both spouses separately, thereby treating each spouse as an individual in respect to tax matters. Furthermore, the public social security system has recently been revised (law 3865/2010 (Official State Gazette article 120A/21-7-2010). Included in the changes are raising of retirement ages, which will be implemented stepwise through the end of December, 2013. Finally, in relation to the reform of the public accounting system, the General Secretariat for Fiscal Policy will arrange that gender equity issues be integrated into public finances (gender budgeting).


3.            Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports and promotes the implementation of the Greek State gender mainstreaming strategic goal via the following actions: a) equal representation of men and women Ministry employees in responsible posts in the Central Services, services abroad and Service Councils, b) promotion of women to candidature for international posts in European and International Organisations, c) equal representation of men and women in training programmes, d) development of actions, within the framework of bilateral development cooperation, in the field of gender equality and empowering of women’s status in developing countries as well gender mainstreaming as a factor and cross-cutting parameter that governs the entire Greek development programme and e) combating of trafficking in women through actions for victim protection, prevention of further expansion of the phenomenon and effective repression of trafficking organisations within the framework of the National Action Plan, of which the Ministry is the National Coordinator. The development programmes of the National Development Cooperation Hellenic Aid continue being implemented in the victims’ origin countries, aiming at their social re-integration after their voluntary repatriation. The actions supported reinforce the existing reception centres, social re-integration programmes, medical care and the development of skills and vocational training.


4.            Ministry of Defence

Following the Resolution passed by the UN Security Council No. 1325/31.10.2000 on “Women, Peace and Security”, Resolutions No. 1820/2008 and 1888/2009, as well as the Recommendations of the European Committee, the Ministry of Defence shall design a National Action Plan to implement Resolution no. 1325, ensuring women’s participation in all decision-making before, during and after armed conflicts, in development and humanitarian actions at national, governmental and non-governmental level (national defence system, armed forces), as well as at European and international level (UN, EU, NATO, OSCE). The National Action Plans are also an EU commitment under the Swedish Presidency (2nd semester 2009). On these grounds, an Inter-Ministerial Committee shall be established, according to European standards, with the participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Citizen Protection and the Ministry of Justice.

By virtue of Presidential Decree 54/2010, physical magnitudes and the Body Mass Index for the preliminary examinations for the admission to the Higher Military Educational Institutions/ Higher Military Schools for Non-Commissioned Officers were modified. Therefore, the minimum height has been diminished from 1.65 m to 1.60 m and the Body Mass Index limits were modified for men from “20-25” to “19-27” and for women from “18-22” to “18-25”. A 5-month pregnancy/delivery leave to women military staff and a 9-month parenthood leave are provided to men and women military staff, according to the provisions of the civil servants’ code. The parenthood leave is provided to men military staff in case the spouse is a military officer, works in the private sector or is a civil servant, by making a related declaration as to which parent shall make use of the parenthood leave, either once or accumulatively, but always successively to and after the end of the pregnancy/ delivery leave.


5.            Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping

The Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping facilitates gender mainstreaming by using funding aids to help women (19 to 65 years old) to establish new enterprises in all fields of entrepreneurship within the framework of a programme entitled: “Support of Women’s Entrepreneurship”. The Programme is implemented by the Hellenic Organisation of Small and Medium Enterprises and Handicraft (HOSMEH). In addition, within the framework of the Programme entitled “Support of Youth Entrepreneurship”, new businesswomen (between the age of 19 and 40) are assisted in establishing new enterprises in all fields of activities, including processing, trade, services, tourism, recycling and limitation of pollution. Moreover, taking into consideration gender mainstreaming, several actions are promoted for the upgrading of knowledge and skills of women employees.

The internal structures of the most important institutional bodies that consult on the improvement of our national competitiveness are enriched with more women, who offer their different points of view on different issues, which are actually very important on the renewal of thoughts and practices that affect the competitiveness of Greek economy. In addition, the Ministry shall include more women, from academic and business environments, in the Expert Committee, which supports the projects of the National Competitiveness Council.


6.            Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change

The Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change facilitates gender mainstreaming in its key programmes developed along three axes: a) energy saving, b) awareness on the dangers for public health caused by pollution, especially in cases of environmental crises and c) improvement of urban quality of life. More specifically, the campaign on energy saving shall be oriented to women too, who due to socialisation, hold a more important role, not only in the management of household matters, but also in the education of their children on environmental patterns. The integrated actions aimed combating chronic pollution - which has affected the soil and particularly surface and ground waters, thereby directly affecting public health in some areas of “high” risk – shall include the consequences for women’s reproductive health, as well as preventive and precautionary measures. . Finally, the improvement programmes on the quality of urban environment, and especially of citizens’ transportation conditions in big cities, shall take into account that men and women have different transportation needs.

In its attempt to increase public awareness on environment issues via special TV shows that promote environmental training, the Ministry shall emphasise women’s pivotal role. Finally, the Ministry’s cooperation with women’s organisations wills support local environmental protection and awareness-raising civil society organisations. With GSGE participation, the Ministry will also shall establish a working group to further foster gender mainstreaming in environmental and green development issues.


7.            Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs

Gender equality is a key principle for the operation of the New School, programmed by the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs. It shall be a crucial element for the new – draft - educational programmes and school booklets that will be carried out within the framework of the New School. This school will operate during extended hours (all day), to meet the needs of working parents - and especially mothers, who spend most of the rest of the day on their childcare. Especially in the field of Secondary Education, the goal is to make best use in school, and in general, of the wide range of materials produced by the Operational Programme “Education and Initial Vocational Training II” (teacher awareness, training of professional orientation counsellors, auxiliary educational programmes, etc) that aim to gender mainstream the educational process. With regard to Vocational High Schools, several actions have already been designed, and shall be funded in order to promote female participation in “male” professions, and male in “female” professions. The overarching goal is to change gender patterns in relation to the professions. Within the framework of lifelong learning promotion, the institution of Second Chance Schools shall continue, attended in particular by women who have interrupted their education. Parents School will also be established, which shall place gender equality at the top of their agenda’s.

Research and Technological Development is one of the crucial areas to be addressed for total integration and more efficient use of Human Resources within a framework of equality and equal opportunities. The General Secretariat for Research and Technology is going to support actions for the promotion of gender equality and especially for the support of women researchers. Within this framework, special emphasis shall be given to the promotion of research on equality issues, reinforcing related research areas. Gender studies shall be included as one of the priority topics.  In parallel, when developing actions, the possibility of using bonuses for the participation of women researchers as well as a quota re: minimum participation for each gender shall be investigated, within the framework of a policy of equality and equal opportunities. Finally, networking of women researchers is being designed to enhance women’s status in the field of Research and Technology.

Within the framework of the Programme “Gates of Youth Entrepreneurship”, the General Secretariat for Youth will give particular consideration to young women who face significant unemployment problems. It will support their entrepreneurship actions, especially in sectors that promote green development and services in cultural and social sectors. Furthermore, within the framework of the programmes “Youth in Action” and “European Youth Card”, the General Secretariat of Youth shall prepare an information campaign targeted to women’s organisations and young women, respectively. In cooperation with GSGE, the General Secretariat for Youth shall run an information campaign for young people (women and men) on issues of sexual health and especially contraception.


8.            Ministry of Labour and Social Security

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security, within the framework of the Programme for Human Resource Development, is preparing Projects that aim to decrease the number of unemployed women on one hand, and the strengthening of employed women on the other. Such Projects include actions for the improvement of women’s professional skills and the updating of their knowledge, so as to facilitate their adaptation to the evolving needs of the labour market. In addition, new actions are being planned in relation to the harmonisation of family and professional life through the child care provision for children of employed and unemployed women, as well as through actions that aim at the elimination of professional discrimination – which includes the gender salary gap.

The Greek Manpower Organisation (GMO), in cooperation with GSGE, has established a permanent working group on gender equality. The primary goal is to prepare an Action Plan on Gender Mainstreaming throughout GMO work (training of Employment Councellors working with Employment Promotion Centers, Apprenticeship Schools, Programmes for New Jobs, Programmes for Young Self-Employed Persons, internal assessment systems, etc). At the same time, GMO shall continue to announce specialised programmes for unemployed women aimed at combating over-representation of women among unemployment groups, and recruiting more women in the labour market.

In the re-establishment of the Body of Labour Inspectors (BLI), the competency of equal treatment between men and women in employment and labour is clear the recording and processing system of statistics on gender equality is being upgraded in order to enable proper assessment of the situation in relation to equality in working environments. At the same time, BLI shall foster gender mainstreaming in its work and actions - more specifically, in the updating and provision of information on labour issues, legal counselling, reconciliation (labour disputes) and hearings processes. Within this framework, an information campaign shall be prepared for employees and enterprises on the equal treatment of men and women. Finally, the Gender Equality Offices, operating under the Departments of Labour Social Inspection, Body of Labour Inspectors, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance will be strengthened, and new responsibilities added to their remit. .


9.            Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity

The Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity shall cooperate with the GSGE at three levels:


A.            Conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding between GSGE and the National Centre for Social Solidarity (NCSS) for the coordination of the organisation and operation of shelters for women victims to implement joint training programmes for shelter personnel in specialised methods of approach vis-a-vis women who have experienced violence. In addition, in synch with GSGE policy on combating violence against women, the General Secretariat for Public Health shall develop actions aimed at preventing and assisting victims of trafficking.

B.            Information and awareness raising on health and medical issues, with priority those that mostly affect women, but also issues of sexual and reproduction health more broadly. Within the framework of the National Plan for Health, promoted by the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity (MHSS), women’s knowledge and prevention is a priority. According to statistics, Greek women are not fully informed about the importance of preventative check-ups to maintain their health. As a result, some types of cancer - such as breast cancer and cancer of the reproductive system - are included in the most common cancer types in our country. Cooperation with GSGE is integrated within the framework of the MHSS campaign on primary prevention. Ministry personnel (nurses, social workers) shall offer information and consulting – free of charge – on health and prevention issues in 14 GSGE Counselling Centres. Therefore, it is obvious that gender mainstreaming has been integrated in approaches to health issues - and that such mainstreaming is going to expand. GSGE contribution shall play a key role in MHSS efforts to increase presymptomatic examination centres within the framework of new Prevention and Health Education Centres. Communication policy and women’s awareness vis-a-vis annual check-ups shall be mutually structured through the information materials that are about to be produced.

C.            MHSS shall continue its current awareness campaign on smoking effects. Information actions shall be developed targeted to women, as according to the World Health Organisation, Greek women hold one of the highest percentages globally (39%).


10.          Ministry of Rural Development and Food

The Ministry of Rural Development and Food shall foster gender mainstreaming via the encouragement of the development of entrepreneurship initiatives by women (increased credits award for women). It shall do so via the following measures: modernisation of rural holdings, support also of non-rural activities, of the establishment and development of very small enterprises and of tourism activities. In addition, by virtue of such measures, some sectors shall be promoted: the textile industry, production of sweets and traditional products, production of cleaning products, production of essential oils, manufacture of pottery, creation of jewellery, hairdressing activities, etc. Women or women cooperatives are mostly interested in such kind of activities, either because they are already activate in them, or because they are given the opportunity to be activate in them via the Programme for Rural Development 2007 – 2013.

Within the framework of provision and improvement of services to rural and local populations - and directly related to the quality of life and strengthening of local economies - financial assistance shall be provided for the creation of childcare services. Within the framework of training and education actions addressed to rural workers (on issues of good agricultural practices), special care shall be taken that women participate.

Support actions for enhancement of local economies also include networking actions, as well support of enterprises and cooperatives (promotion, connection to national and international promotion units for their products, exhibitions, etc), in which women’s cooperatives may participate as well. Participation of bodies that represent women’s rights has been assessed and awarded with extra credits during the selection of Local Action Groups, especially in the field of decision-making for the implementation of local development strategy (Axis 4 – Leader Approach).

The promotion of the Programme for Rural Development and the operation of the National Rural Network include the organisation of events promoting women’s role in rural areas, awareness-raising events on gender equality issues and information events on the potential of financing by the Programme, with great emphasis being put on the participation of women and women’s cooperatives. Finally, the Association of Women Rural-Tourist Cooperatives participates actively in the National Rural Network.


11.          Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights

Within the framework of its administrative reform, the Ministry shall improve collection and publication of justice statistics, and statistical classification of offences at double-digit and triple-digit analysis. This will indicate the sex of offenders and victims alike. These enhanced statistics will assist in the design and development of policies in this area.  

Within the framework of the educational programme for the National School of Judges, special educational programmes shall be developed on gender equality, Family Law and other laws related to gender issues and women’s fundamental rights. Such themes shall be also included in the educational programmes of the School.

In cooperation with the General Secretariat for Gender Equality, measures shall be undertaken to upgrade living and education conditions in detention facilities (programmes for the reconciliation of family life and detention, such as parental custody, visits, nurseries, etc). Furthermore, measures are being undertaken to better prepare the process of re-integration of women who have been released from prison in cooperation with the Public Law Legal Entity “EPANODOS”. Indicatively, the following actions shall be implemented: a) preparation of women detainees for their release (6-8 months before their release) by providing information on their potential for social and employment integration after having served their sentence, b) consultation to women that are about to or have already been discharged (social – psychological – legal – employment consultation), c) special consultation programmes for minor detainees and discharged women, d) special programmes in cooperation with competent rehabilitation bodies for addicted detainees and discharged women, e) special programmes for discharged mothers, and f) special intervention programmes in cooperation with competent bodies for the children of women who have been released from prison.


12.          Ministry of Citizen Protection

Within the framework of actions that are related to gender equality policy, such as human trafficking, the Ministry of Citizen Protection is preparing the strengthening and expansion of its anti-trafficking Department by increasing specialised personnel and by training police officers recruited into the . The Ministry shall participate in the National Coordinating Mechanism for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, so as to promote legislative and other kinds of actions.

In addition, as far as domestic violence is concerned, a Rape/ domestic violence Department will be created. It will have specialised personnel whose aim it is to improve how these issues are dealt with, and to provide psychological support and other services, such as escort to the medical examiner. In this context, training of police officers for the treatment of victims of rape/ domestic violence is also considered.


13.          Ministry of Culture and Tourism

The institutions of “Modern Culture” (books, dance, the other arts, etc) shall be merited special actions to promote female creativity (i.e. special book exhibitions for women writers, group exhibitions of women’s creation and expression). The Ministry shall support the cultural exhibitions organised by GSGE by providing the use of Olympic Games facilities, in order to effectively promote art creations in the field of gender and equality. In 2011 and 2012, the Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the institution “European Heritage Days”, shall organise educational actions in Museums and cultural areas focusing on the active participation of women in social activities of all types, as well as their contribution to history and art.

At minimum, a sex-based quota shall be implemented in NSRF funded programmes for the employment of unemployed persons. With regard to recruitment of personnel in archaeological sites, which shall be implemented under our own supervision, there shall be systematic recording of the created employment per gender, age and educational level. By the end of 2011, such information shall be assessed and, if necessary, active policies shall be adopted to strengthen women’s employment.

In the field of Tourism and within the framework of networking actions, the institution of women’s cooperatives shall be supported, especially on the islands and in mountainous areas of the country, implementing a different policy due to the special conditions prevailing in such areas. The fields of culture (organisation of cultural events, promotion of Mediterranean diet, art workshops, etc), environment (recycling, renewable energy sources, etc), provision of tourism services (accommodation, restaurants, etc), social services (care of addicts, elderly, youth volunteer groups, etc) shall receive special support. Great emphasis shall also be given to Local Quality Agreements. In parallel, within the framework of reformation of the Organisation of Tourism Education and Training, several programmes on the balance between men and women in tourism professions (cooks, etc) and the dissemination of travelling culture shall be implemented.