Οι νέοι Διαρθρωτικοί Δείκτες της Ε.Ε. - Eurostat
Οι Διαρθρωτικοί Δείκτες προέρχονται από το Ευρωπαϊκό Στατιστικό Σύστημα με κατανομή κατά φύλο όπου είναι συμβατό.
Ανανεωμένη Στρατηγική της Λισαβόνας για την Ανάπτυξη και την Απασχόληση στην Ε.Ε. 
Επένδυση στο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό και εκσυγχρονισμός των αγορών εργασίας
Ελευθέρωση του δυναμικού των επιχειρήσεων, και ιδίως των ΜΜΕ
Επένδυση στη γνώση και στην καινοτομία
Ενέργεια και αλλαγή του κλίματος - Μεταμόρφωση της Ευρώπης σε μια ενεργειακά αποδοτική οικονομία χαμηλών εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα
Η προσέγγιση των στόχων της ανανεωμένης Στρατηγικής της Λισαβόνας για την Ανάπτυξη και την Απασχόληση της Ε.Ε. από τα Κράτη Μέλη, παρακολουθείται από Διαρθρωτικούς Δείκτες, που σύμφωνα με την τελευταία κωδικοποίηση (2006) είναι οι ακόλουθοι:
General economic background 
GDP per capita in PPS
Real GDP growth rate
Labour productivity per person employed
Labour productivity per hour worked
Employment growth by gender
Inflation rate
Real unit labour cost growth
Public balance
General government debt
Employment rate by gender
Employment rate of older workers by gender
Average exit age from the labour force by gender
Gender pay gap in unadjusted form
Tax rate on low wage earners: Tax wedge on labour cost
Tax rate on low wage earners: Unemployment trap
Implicit tax rate on labour
Life-long learning by gender
Serious accidents at work  by gender
Fatal accidents at work 
Unemployment rate by gender
Innovation and research
Spending on Human Resources
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD)
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD) by source of funds
Level of Internet access - households
Science and technology graduates by gender
Patent applications to the European Patent Office (EPO)
Patents granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Venture capital investments by type of investment
ICT expenditure by type of product
E-Commerce via Internet
Youth education attainment level by gender
E-government on-line availability
E-government usage by individuals by gender
E-government usage by enterprises
Broadband penetration rate
High-tech exports
Economic Reform 
Comparative price levels
Price convergence between EU Member States
Price of telecommunications by type of call
Electricity prices by type of user
Gas prices by type of user
Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market
Market share of the incumbent in fixed telecommunications by types of call
Market share of the leading operator in mobile telecommunication
Public procurement
State aid by type of aid
Convergence of interets rates by type of loan
Market integration by type of trade activities
Market Integration - Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) intensity
Business investment
Business demography
Social Cohesion 
Inequality of income distribution
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers by gender
At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers by gender
At-persistent-risk-of-poverty rate by gender
Dispersion of regional employment rates by gender
Early school leavers by gender
Long-term unemployment rate by gender
Jobless households - children
Jobless households by gender
Total greenhouse gas emissions
Energy intensity of the economy 
Combined heat and power generation
Implicit tax rate on energie
Electricity generated from renewable sources
Volume of freight transport relative to GDP 
Volume of passenger transport relative to GDP 
Road share of inland freight transport 
Car share of inland passenger transport
Urban population exposure to air pollution by ozone
Urban population exposure to air pollution, by particular matter
Municipal waste generated
Municipal waste by type of treatment
Resource productivity
Fish catches from stocks outside safe biological limits
Sufficiency of sites designated unter the EU Habitats directive
Farmland bird index 
Healthy life years at birth by gender
Πηγή δεδομένων: Eurostat